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  • 公司: 广州市八千里货架有限公司
  • 地址: 广东省广州市白云区黄石西路222号欧亚达家居广场4楼
  • 联系: 高生
  • 手机: 13022058418
  • 一键开店


2020-12-02 05:37:44  493次浏览 次浏览
价 格:120


2021年度八千里货架kkv粉色球,眼影笔,亚克力彩色墙货柜 (10).jpg广州市八千里货架有限公司是快消品店货架、服装店货架、饰品店货架、服装店道具、店面设计、内衣店货架、名创优品店货架、伶俐品牌货架、kkv货架,调色师货架,WOW COLOUR货架,完美日记货架,funlink货架,超市货架、奥特莱斯店货架、KM男装货架、ZARA货架、UR男女装货架、HM店货架、迪卡侬货架、无印良品货架、悦诗风吟货架、GXG货架、PEACE?BIRD货架等产品专业生产加工的公司,拥有完整、科学的质量管理体系。广州市八千里货架有限公司的诚信、实力和产品质量获得业界的认可。欢迎各界朋友莅临参观、指导和业务洽谈。

2021年度八千里货架kkv粉色球,眼影笔,亚克力彩色墙货柜 (11).jpgGuangzhou baqianli shelf Co., Ltd. is a fast consumer goods store shelf, clothing store shelf, jewelry store shelf, clothing store props, storefront design, underwear store shelf, mingchuang excellent product store shelf, Lingli brand shelf, supermarket shelf, outlets store shelf, KM men's goods shelf, Zara rack, ur men's and women's goods shelf, HM store shelf, Decathlon shelf, Muji goods shelf, Yueshi Fengling goods shelf The company is specialized in the production and processing of rack, GXG shelf, peace? Bird shelf and other products, with a complete and scientific quality management system. Guangzhou eight thousand li shelf Co., Ltd. is recognized by the industry for its integrity, strength and product quality. Welcome friends from all walks of life to visit, guide and business negotiation.

2021年度八千里货架kkv粉色球,眼影笔,亚克力彩色墙货柜 (12).jpg2021年度八千里货架kkv粉色球,眼影笔,亚克力彩色墙货柜

2021年度八千里货架kkv粉色球,眼影笔,亚克力彩色墙货柜 (1).jpgKK馆的线下门店包括自营和加盟两种,为了保证商品质量,全国门店由总部统一供货。商品的仓储和配送也是供应链中的重要一环,KK馆采取自建仓储的模式,虽然前期的投资较大,但随着区域性店铺的数量增加,边际成本会逐渐降低。目前KK馆在广东、上海两地有自建仓储,华北仓正在建设当中,可以覆盖内蒙古、东北,北京、天津等地的门店供货。


2021年度八千里货架kkv粉色球,眼影笔,亚克力彩色墙货柜 (2).jpg 商品流转快、周期短,会破坏门店的陈列标准,因此门店管理的标准化需要做到位。选品、补货等工作不需要店员去操心,后台系统可以自动生成补货订单,直接发送到仓库,仓库再按照订单需要为门店配送商品,店员只需要专心做好收银、补货、理货和巡店等工作。虽然KK馆倡导无服务的安静选购,但消费者有需求的时候店员一定会走到消费者身边解决问题。

2021年度八千里货架kkv粉色球,眼影笔,亚克力彩色墙货柜 (23).jpg 2021年度八千里货架kkv粉色球,眼影笔,亚克力彩色墙货柜

The offline stores of KK Pavilion include self operated stores and franchised stores. In order to ensure the quality of goods, the stores in the country are supplied by the headquarters. The storage and distribution of goods is also an important part of the supply chain. KK Museum adopts the mode of self built storage. Although the initial investment is large, with the increase of the number of regional stores, the marginal cost will gradually decrease. At present, KK pavilion has its own warehouse in Guangdong and Shanghai, and North China warehouse is under construction, which can cover stores in Inner Mongolia, Northeast China, Beijing, Tianjin and other places.

2021年度八千里货架kkv粉色球,眼影笔,亚克力彩色墙货柜 (22).jpg2021年度八千里货架kkv粉色球,眼影笔,亚克力彩色墙货柜

The rapid circulation and short cycle of commodities will destroy the display standards of stores, so the standardization of store management needs to be done in place. The back office system can automatically generate replenishment orders and send them directly to the warehouse. The warehouse will deliver the goods to the store according to the order needs. The shop ass

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